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Protect Your Home From Fire, Apply to the Agoura Hills Home Hardening Grant Program

Updated: Aug 6

The city of Agoura Hills is offering a one-time $1,000 grant to incentivize home owners to participate in the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains (RCD) Home Ignition Zone Evaluation Program (HIZEP). Before applying to receive a grant, homeowners must first complete the HIZEP. Once awarded a grant, those funds must then be used to address issues that came up in the evaluation. The program will run for as long as there are available funds, and it is on a first come, first served basis, so don't delay and apply today!

flyer for the program with information

The following information comes straight from The City of Agoura Hills Website. Click on this link if you wish to read the information straight from the source. We always write these stories using our own words, but given the specifics of this topic, we thought it best to directly quote the source material.

Per the City of Agoura Hills Website:

Grant Eligibility:

  • You must be the legal property owner on record

  • Property is located within the City limits

  • Must have participated in the RCD's HIZEP and received a report

  • Be in compliance with all applicable health, building, zoning, subdivision, licensing history preservation, environmental, planning and land use laws, and regulations

  • Be currant on all taxes and fees owed to the City of Agoura Hills

  • Have no liens connected to the property

The Requirements to Participate in the Grant Program:

  • Participation in the RCD's HIZEP

  • Possession of a RCD HIZEP report

  • An estimate of either a home hardening technology/product installation or service

  • Completion of the City of Agoura Hills Home Hardening Wildfire Resiliency Incentive Grant Application

  • Execute the City of Agoura Hills Home Hardening Wildfire Resiliency Incentive Grant Program Grant Agreement

Grant agreements will require the property owner to keep and maintain the home hardening technology for five years from the City's grant agreement termination period, June 30, 2025

*Grant applicants may not begin identified improvement or technology installation until a notice to proceed is given by the City.

The Home Hardening Technologies the City Grant Program Will Allow Are:

  • Home Hardening Technologies- Fire Resistant Vents

  • Rain Gutter Covers

  • Plant Removal (Fire ignitable vegetation)

  • Home Hardening Technologies- Fire Wise Landscape Plant Materials

  • Home Hardening Services- Fire Wise Landscape Design Services

  • Home Hardening Services- Fire Wise Landscape Installation (MUST be installed by a professional)

  • Fence Replacement (Noncombustible materials)

How To Apply:

  • Complete and submit the City of Agoura Hills Home Hardening Wildfire Resiliency Incentive Grant Application

  • Possess and submit a RCD HIZEP report with your grant application

  • Present with your application documentation showing an estimate of either a home hardening technology/product installation or service application.

Click on this link to see how to submit the application and documents to the city.

When will I receive my grant?

Grants will be provided on a reimbursement basis after all documents and agreements are fully executed, and the home hardening technology installation or service has been verified.

Again, funding for this program is limited. Once the money is gone, it is gone. So if this program is of interest to you, don't hesitate to start the process!

Brought to you by:

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 Jessica Carter l DRE #01490419 l 818.590.4246 l

"Your Fountainwood neighbor and local area specialist"

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